
Showing posts from November, 2020

Put Garlic Under Your Pillow and This Will Happen to You

 Garlic is one of the most widely-used flavorings for food, and has a host of other applications as well, from warding off insects to providing protection against vampires. Of course, you won’t really be running into any vampires (don’t tell your tweens), but you can still benefit very much from incorporating garlic into your daily routine. One of the most surprising uses for garlic is as a sleep aid. But before we get to why it works, let’s look at the overall health benefits of garlic. It is actually relatively high in calories, with 100 per 100 grams. However, garlic is so strong in flavor that no one ever eats that much in a serving. Garlic features complex carbohydrates and proteins, plus vital minerals and vitamins like vitamin B, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. It also contains quite a bit of allicin, a sulfur compound that gives garlic its notable smell. This is why garlic is so good for treating infections and can kill certain viruses better than antibiotics. Furthermor...

6 Ways Your Vagina Changes During Menopause

 Menopause likely conjures images of hot flashes and mood swings. But have you ever thought about how the change impacts your vagina? Turns out, the decrease in estrogen that happens during menopause affects more than your mood and your cycle—it can also cause physical changes to your nether regions. “Vaginal changes may occur throughout all stages of menopause: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause,” says Anna Klepchukova, MD, Chief Science Officer at Flo Health. From dryness to changes in the size and shape of your vagina, these changes can be significant but are considered normal, she notes. Keep reading to learn exactly how your vagina transforms throughout menopause. 1. It becomes dry and potentially itchy. Estrogen helps keep your vaginal walls lubricated. With less of it, you’ll notice your vagina feels much drier. Known as vaginal atrophy, this thinning and drying of the vaginal walls may lead to other symptoms, including vaginal itching and burning, according to the...

The 5 Signs Your Vagina Is Trying To Tell You Something

 HOW many times have you noticed a little itch or bump… down there? If the answer is “never”, you’re either lying to yourself or you’re not examining your vagina enough. Because it’s not just your boobs you should be checking on the regular – your vulva (that’s the fleshy outer bit of your vag) also needs some attention to make sure nothing odd is going on. Most of the time, small changes are nothing to worry about. It could be that your underwear is irritating the area, or you’ve got an easily-treatable infection. But if you don’t check, you’ll never know. And although it’s unlikely, you definitely don’t want to miss any early warning signs of things like vulval cancer – which is much more easily treated if you pick up on it ASAP. Consultant Gynaecologist, Anne Henderson said: “One of the main reasons people don’t treat infections is because they don’t know they have one as they simply don’t know the symptoms.” Anne recommends checking your intimate area several times a year, to ...

How Bad Does Your Vagina Smell? Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odour If Not Caused By Infection

   It’s nоrmаl fоr еvеry girl whо hаs rеаchеd pubеrty tо еxpеriеncе vаginаl оdоur. Wе hаvе thе nаturаl оdоur аnd thеn thе typе cаusеd by cоmmоn bоdy аctiоns. Tаkе mеnstruаtiоn, nоrmаlly if thе vаginа is nоt kеpt clеаn аt thе timе оf thе mоnthly cyclе stаlе blооd lеft fоr а pеriоd оf timе will bring smеll. Thеn wе hаvе urinе аnоthеr rеаsоn fоr vаginаl оdоur. Nоt rinsing оr wiping thе vаginа аftеr using thе tоilеt, аny tricklеs cling tо pubic hаir, thus sоiling аnd stаining pаntiеs which will smеll. Sаnitаry tоwеls аnd tаmpоns nееd chаnging rеgulаrly. If yоu’rе wоrriеd аbоut hоw yоu smеll dоwn bеlоw, instеаd оf thе suggеstеd оncе а dаy clеаn, wаsh 2 оr 3 timеs if nееdеd. In hоt wеаthеr chаngе knickеrs оftеn, аs hеаt cаn bе prоblеmаtic in аnd аrоund thе gеnitаls. An аccumulаtiоn оf swеаt will mаkе thе gеnitаls clаmmy, sticky аnd smеlly. Chооsе cоttоn pаntiеs оr knickеrs tо wеаr аs it’s а brеаthаblе fаbric. Cоttоn оvеr nylоn аnd оthеr mаtеriаls аllоw thе vаginа tо brеаthе. Trim, ...